Professionally Used

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Re: Professionally Used

Post by o0Ampy0o »

synthsin75 wrote:
o0Ampy0o wrote:Of course you can read john's mind and speak for him. Greenlaw should not have said anything if he was treading on the line of an n d a. But it's me who is arrogant for calling him on it. Just butt out. Greenlaw is not here out of the goodness of his heart. He is here because he likes it here. Your need to lie about everything speaks for itself.
LOL! Telling you the limits of what can be said under an NDA is not "treading on the line", and the only thing you're "calling him on" is to get him to violate a LEGAL agreement. That could fall under tortious interference on your part.
The concept of an NDA is irrelevant. This never had anything to do with violating an NDA. Greenlaw hinted at something then claimed he could not say anything because of an NDA. It was putting on airs. THAT is what I called him on. I never asked for more than clarification of his statement. I did not ask for him to disclose more of what he hinted at. I don't care about his project. I don't care about the details if he works as a beta tester of MOHO. I just wondered whether he was referring to A project or A different version of the software. You are trying to say that this is about something it is not. "LOL" ? you are full of lies.
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Re: Professionally Used

Post by slowtiger »

To o0Ampy0o:
please stop insulting other members on this forum.

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Re: Professionally Used

Post by jahnocli »

o0Ampy0o wrote:Had you paid more attention you would not be sticking your nose in...
'Sticking my nose in'? This is a public forum -- what makes you so special?
You can't have everything. Where would you put it?
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Re: Professionally Used

Post by synthsin75 »

o0Ampy0o wrote:
synthsin75 wrote:LOL! Telling you the limits of what can be said under an NDA is not "treading on the line", and the only thing you're "calling him on" is to get him to violate a LEGAL agreement. That could fall under tortious interference on your part.
The concept of an NDA is irrelevant. This never had anything to do with violating an NDA. Greenlaw hinted at something then claimed he could not say anything because of an NDA. It was putting on airs. THAT is what I called him on. I never asked for more than clarification of his statement. I did not ask for him to disclose more of what he hinted at. I don't care about his project. I don't care about the details if he works as a beta tester of MOHO. I just wondered whether he was referring to A project or A different version of the software. You are trying to say that this is about something it is not. "LOL" ? you are full of lies.
The fact is that he already told you he couldn't say anything more, and you should respect that.
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Re: Professionally Used

Post by Greenlaw »

o0Ampy0o wrote:You already alluded to something. I just wanted to know whether you were speaking of the quality a current project or the quality attainable in software that was not available. A simple yes or no to either without pretense would have sufficed. I could not care less otherwise.
Oh, I see what you're asking. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I just meant that the animation quality has gotten better because we're getting more comfortable with using Moho 12 and always learning new tricks using the existing tools. It seems like I learn something new about Moho rigging or animation every day.

For example, if I were to compare the work I'm doing nowadays against Scareplane, which was my first Moho animation project, the work the I'm doing now is technically far superior. Plus, I'm just blown away by some of the Moho work other artists I'm working with are doing with the program. Some of the new artists had never touched Moho before, and they're already doing amazing work. That's the stuff I'm really excited about but naturally I can't talk about it specifically.

That said, I'm working on personal animation projects again using Moho, and a lot of what I learned in the last couple of years is being applied on my own project. I'll be happy to talk about that stuff as soon as I have something fun or interesting to show. :)
Last edited by Greenlaw on Fri Jun 23, 2017 2:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Professionally Used

Post by sperry1975 »

Thanks for the abundance of information. I really had no idea it was used this extensively. I too look forward to future releases.
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Re: Professionally Used

Post by gvboy »

Lost Marble wrote:I was really excited to talk to a studio in Glendale last November. I thought the idea was to introduce them to Moho and show them how they might try it out. But I was surprised to learn they were already using it in a number of productions, and the head of the studio is quite an advanced user. He's even written several custom Lua tools and I think is a member of the forum here. You all would instantly recognize some of the shows they animate. But we never agreed on a way to say "Moho has been used in show X".

Sadly, at the exact moment I was meeting with this studio in Glendale is when Smith Micro was laying off the entire graphics team. I left the meeting to find out that there was no more Moho team.
Wow! Just stumbled upon this looking through the forums...
First off, sorry to hear that you (Mike) and Victor are no longer with MOHO. Your work has been a great excitement to me and I have always looked forward to future updates.
Secondly, I especially feel bad as I was that guy in Glendale that you had the meeting with. I was so excited to meet with you and I wish that I could have been more forthcoming with sharing the projects that I had done with MOHO, sadly they are all work for other people and I don't have the rights to freely distribute clips. We (as a studio) do use Moho once in a while for aspects that MOHO excels at (Futurama- "The Thief of Baghead" Ep4 Season7, all the fish in the aquarium sequence and the T-rex in the tank were done in MOHO as layers and then composited in with the BG and character levels in Toonz. If you search for "Futurama aquarium" you can find clips from that).

Some examples of full in MOHO production that I did for Clash of Clans:
(Clash Of Clans : "Moving Day")

(Clash Of Clans : "Good Night Boom")

(Clash Of Clans : "New Year's Resolutions")

There are a couple of development projects that I had done fully in MOHO, I had shown Mike one while he was here , but I can't show those as I don't own the properties.

To be honest, I have personally been using MOHO (Anime Studio Pro) for many years but have struggled (as I expressed to Mike) as how to fit it into our production pipeline efficiently, atlas for the quality and schedules that are expected of us. All of the MOHO stuff that I have done, has been just me on my laptop. We still do most of our regular productions hand-drawn animation (with digital scanning and ink&paint/compositing. With every release of MOHO though seemed to close the gap in our production issues. As a very small crew or individual though, I think MOHO is an excellent choice. I love it personally.

I am just posting these in response to the OP's question and due to the fact that I haven't been more active in spreading the MOHO love. (Due to my "less-than-social" nature and NDA's ("Non-Disclosure Agreements") ).

Anyway, thank you Mike for everything and good luck with your future endeavors.
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Re: Professionally Used

Post by gjordan »

Hi this is a short list I could made of:

Moho web/tv Series and Movies


Cartoon Saloon /
Puffing Rock (Netflix)
Movie Song of the Sea (Water animaton most of all)
Movie The Breadwinner

Pseudo cartoons


Movie Technotise Edit i ja (2009)
Show some of the process

Holland (Paises Bajos)
Club Baboo ... f4-HeGpkpA Frame Order Studio
Frame Order Channel ... MgjVWmsOuw


Dreamworks Animation
2d parts animation of the next shows:

The Croods
All Hail King Julien
Puss In Boots


Beijin Opera Cats (Korea del Sur) - ... 59e2a.html
Marshmallows and clouds Mothers - Hangzhou animation studio (China) -


Egyptoon ... 1CjYN5msvg
Aga'b AlQassas ( the wonders of the ancient stories )

Basmet Amal cartoon
A Smile of hope --- ... K9W_KhcxWQ

Agua Viva Valores

Los Proceres mas Posers - In Production yet to be seen - Productora Houston - ... 094485494/
Cuentame un cuento / La Guerra de los colores - (Novasur)

Source: Information gived kindly by Animators Working in this Series
My Youtube Channel / Animaciones y tutoriales Moho Animators Facebook(English) Moho Pro Facebook(Español)
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Re: Professionally Used

Post by Lost Marble »

gvboy wrote:Secondly, I especially feel bad as I was that guy in Glendale that you had the meeting with.
Hey, thank you for chiming in! Sorry I'm late in finding this message, but I really appreciate the time you took to talk to me about your studio and the work you've done with Moho. At heart I'm a big animation fan, and studio visits are really inspiring, and kind of an excuse to "bathe in the glamor" of the animation industry.
gvboy wrote:We (as a studio) do use Moho once in a while for aspects that MOHO excels at (Futurama- "The Thief of Baghead" Ep4 Season7, all the fish in the aquarium sequence and the T-rex in the tank were done in MOHO as layers and then composited in with the BG and character levels in Toonz. If you search for "Futurama aquarium" you can find clips from that).
Hear that everyone? Moho has been used (at least in a small way) in Futurama!
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Re: Professionally Used

Post by Greenlaw »

I was confused because I thought WE were the only ones in Glendale using Moho. Happy to hear we're not alone here! :D

Great work gvboy! That was fun, awesome and inspiring. Thanks for sharing what you can.
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