What would you say is Moho's greatest weakness?

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What would you say is Moho's greatest weakness?

Post by jayfaker »

No, really, let's be honest now. Every tool comes with its strengths and weaknesses, and its own personality that tends to dictate styles, etc. So what is it with Moho?

Is it that we build a great full-body rig, and neglect to build close-up rigs, so our animations tend to remain in wide shots? Sometimes that's fine for comedy, etc. Or is it that our rigs limit us from drawing special poses, single frame elements, and angles that would better emphasize the actions of a scene? Are these limitations to be overcome? What would help us overcome them? Or are they the limitations that we embrace and make a style out of?

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Re: What would you say is Moho's greatest weakness?

Post by synthsin75 »

The most obvious shortcoming is that Moho was late to the freehand frame-by-frame game. It still has a ways to go in that regard.

Even one-off rigs or shots are relatively easy in Moho, so that's no more a problem than any other cut-out style animation. Just depends on whether you're doing limited animation...and whether that's a conscious decision or just bad habits.

Ultimately, any dedicated artist will achieve their vision with whatever tool they choose.
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Re: What would you say is Moho's greatest weakness?

Post by dueyftw »

Moho is not the number one studio program. Toonboom is.

The drawing tools are not as good as other programs.

Moho has the best 2d rigging system.

Compared to other programs that are in the top four 2d programs and Moho one of the cheapest of the paid one's.
Is it that we build a great full-body rig, and neglect to build close-up rigs, so our animations tend to remain in wide shots? Sometimes that's fine for comedy, etc. Or is it that our rigs limit us from drawing special poses, single frame elements, and angles that would better emphasize the actions of a scene? Are these limitations to be overcome? What would help us overcome them? Or are they the limitations that we embrace and make a style out of?
Rigs are what you make of them. I have almost never used the same rig from one project to another. If I have a character that is a duplicate of another except color and hair I use the same rig.
The problem is that I don't use the same character. They are different. Some are anime, some a images, some are other peoples work. As many ways you can draw a character and what needs animated is the way you rig and animate.

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Re: What would you say is Moho's greatest weakness?

Post by jahnocli »

Text handling is poor
Freehand tool compares unfavourably with (eg) Clip Studio
The whole 'STYLES' thing needs to be re-engineered
The way 'ACTIONS' work is not very intuitive
There are more, but these are the important ones for me.
Don't get me wrong -- I love the software.
To misquote Prince Charles "These are the carbuncles on the face of a loved one..."
You can't have everything. Where would you put it?
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Re: What would you say is Moho's greatest weakness?

Post by drumlug13 »

A universal nudge keyframes button. If I'm not mistaken the script that Rudiger (???) or whomever created the keyframes tool has been outdated for a while now.
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Re: What would you say is Moho's greatest weakness?

Post by chucky »

:idea: Inability to deep nest smart rigs.
By that I mean top layer dials controlling nested bone layers (we can do that part )that in turn control smart actions inside them.... this is where it breaks.

:idea: Bones should (have the option change length within a region that does not include the tips. Better control over scale, in both toolbar and on bone. This would reduce the amount of bones I use and time rigging by almost one third.

:idea: Styles.... kill the current system. Rename them materials and start from scratch.

:idea: Freehand, especially bucket and blob. Have a fill sub-layer be guided by the line- a la Clip Studio.

:evil: Masking aliasing and preview, when it comes to weakness.... well that's pretty weak.
Last edited by chucky on Mon Oct 16, 2017 2:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What would you say is Moho's greatest weakness?

Post by Manu »

To me, it's the fact that rigging and compositing (including effects and masking) all live in the same layer palette. It's not too bad for simple scenes, but I've worked on plenty of projects where there's often more than 10 or 20 characters in one scene. I can't imagine handling something that complex in an interface that jams all that information in one palette.

It also prevents you from doing things like using anything in the scene as a mask for anything else in the scene. Masks are tied to folders rather than effects that work on a scene level. By trying to keep masks as something that happens within the layer palette, their scope is severely restricted.
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