Possible bug using insert reference and separate dimensions

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Possible bug using insert reference and separate dimensions

Post by Daxel »

Today I made a normal action where my character walked, and when tried to insert the action as reference the character moved some of the animated bones but others were not moving and at the end of the referenced animation the character flied out of the view. The action works perfectly inside its action timeline, and not only that, inserting it on the main timeline via "insert copy" inserted the animation correctly. Only the insert reference produced those strange errors.

I just managed to find the culprit: I had separated dimensions for a bone, the root bone (the one that didn't move and then made the character fly). And reagruping dimensions solved the issue (now the action can be inserted as reference without problems).

I made this minimal reproduction project for quick testing: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AiyKCw6Xey5Tgb5D-uC ... Q?e=2J6XET
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