The dreaded broken line - fast fix

Have you come up with a good Moho trick? Need help solving an animation problem? Come on in.

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The dreaded broken line - fast fix

Post by slowtiger »

Standard problem: we've broken up a character, let's say in this case it's the upper body with the arm in the same colour, into 2 or more different shapes (a.). (In my case it's a white outline and a black fill on black BG.) The usual trick with making some outline segments invisible doesn't work because the fill will still overlap the underlying outlines. That's what I was doing all the years, with lots of fiddling in animation to hide that gap, sometimes covering that part with another stroke shape.

Today it occured to me to just fold that curve into itself, and voilá: (b.). The small artifacts you see in project view are not there in render.


It can't be that I'm the first one to think of this, but I don't remember any discussion of this here, maybe there was one long ago.
AS 9.5 MacPro Quadcore 3GHz 16GB OS 10.6.8 Quicktime 7.6.6
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Re: The dreaded broken line - fast fix

Post by synthsin75 »

As soon as I saw the first result, I thought of the same solution. I just never work in that style. My limb breaks always use line width to taper.
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