Save Tracing Image with Project

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Save Tracing Image with Project

Post by mgo »

Hey there, I've been using Moho on a regular basis for a couple of months now for editorial illustrations. One regular pain point is that tracing images are not saved with the project. So, the suggestion is to save them with the project :)
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Re: Save Tracing Image with Project

Post by Greenlaw »

I prefer importing the image to a regular Image Layer vs using the Select Tracing Image feature.

Using a regular Image Layer offers more options than Select Tracing Image, like being able to reposition, rotate, and scale the image, change the layer's stacking order position, adjust transparency level, set the render flag, etc. Oh, and the project remembers that I imported the Image Layer! 😸

Some tips:
  • Set the layer to Do Not Render This Layer...unless of course you do want to render it.
  • You can adjust the Opacity level to what you're comfortable with. If you do this, be sure Transparency and GPU Acceleration is enabled in Display Quality...this will insure that you see the transparency effect and that it stays on while you're tracing. If GPU Acceleration is not enable, the transparency will switch to solid when you click or hold down the mouse button. You can disable GPU Acceleration when you're done tracing (recommended.)
  • Remember that since this is an image layer, you can move it over or under your drawing layers, and you can even leave it solid to mask out layers beneath it. This can make it easier to trace from. Then when you're done, just hide the layer.
  • I like to name the layer something like Tracing Image to make it easy to identity. Color coding 'utility' layers like this can be helpful in identifying them too. As a matter of fact, I give every layer, group, bone, action and style short and clearly identifiable names. This becomes very important for managing complex setups and projects, but, trust me, it's helpful even in the simple ones.
Personally, I think Select Tracing Image could be removed from the menus and not be missed because using a regular Image Layer is so much more capable.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Save Tracing Image with Project

Post by Greenlaw »

Almost forgot: another option when using an Image Layer for tracking is to enable Fade Unselected Layers from under Display Quality. This will fade all layers except your current layer (i.e., the one your tracing in.) Some users prefer this to setting a transparency level for the traced image.
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Re: Save Tracing Image with Project

Post by mgo »

The reason I am not using this a lot is because I do not like the way GPU renders the scene in the viewport. Non-active layers are at a perceived quarter resolution or so. I guess this made sense 15 years ago, but most modern GPUs should be able to sustain higher quality at full resolution.

Anyway the benefits may be enough to make the switch. Once tracing is done I can disable GPU of course 8)
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Re: Save Tracing Image with Project

Post by JoelMayer »

I respectfully disagree, i still see quite some advantages of the tracing image feature:

- It shows below AND on top of my artwork, so i always see what i'm actually tracing
- I can easily turn it on and off by pressing CMD+U which prevents me from my favorite activity: shoving through Moho's 10'000 layers (some of which unnecessary but that's another topic)
- I don't have to remember to set it to not to render

Again, all the feature would need is some scale, rotate and move buttons and maybe an option to set the transparency and it's all we'll ever need.
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