How do i get phonemes to start working at a different frame?

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How do i get phonemes to start working at a different frame?

Post by RandleSR39 »

sorry if this is in the tutorials and i if i didnt do it thoroughly enough but...
i have phonemes from papagayo right?
i want the mouth to start animating aka talking at a certain frame say frame 24. but when i set the switch layer's source data to the papagayo dat.file it the phonemes are starting from frame 0 how do i fix this :?: :|

P.S. the same goes for the audio file aka the sound track it starts off at 0 also :(

P.S.S. also how do i get say a title to start at frame 1 and then disappear at frame 24.

P.S.S.S. sorry if i'm getting on anybody's nerves for asking so many questions... its just that i need help from people that are edumacated in the ways of AS.

P.S.S.S.S. once again sorry...
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Post by DK »

If you have your sound file loaded into AS you should be able to see the peaks of the audio data. If the audio is out of sync, select the switch layer, then highlight all the keyframes on the switch layer and drag them forwards or backwards till they match up. You may also need manually to set a closed mouth keyframe at frame 1 and 24 with no keyframes in between so that the mouth stays completely shut for these frames where there is no audio.

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Post by JNandC »

You can't manipulate audio in AS. Any audio you import will always start in frame 1. Even if you load it from frame 1000. It will always load at frame 1. If your trying to load from different recordings I think the best method is to put it in a single track with a audio program like Audacity (free).

I've ran into the same problem trying to load papagayo .dat files for the phenomes. Every time I try to load a .dat file in different key frames it clears the entire timeline for that layer and starts the keyframes from frame 1. The only solution might be doing all the sounds as a single recording and then do a single long papagayo .dat file. (for each person speaking). Unless there is a way to change the key frames that papagayo saves the .dat file with. Anybody have an idea for this?

For the title to disappear at frame 24, on the timeline there is a visibility option. Click on it on frame 24 and it will disappear from then on. You might have to change they way it shifts, not sure of the proper term. From ease in/out to stepped.

Here is a handy quick tutorial on how Fizwig got his sound done in his project .
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Post by RandleSR39 »

thank you :D
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Post by DK »

Unless there is a way to change the key frames that papagayo saves the .dat file with. Anybody have an idea for this?
You can open the .dat file in a text editor and change the dat file manually if you need to. Personally I don't use papayago....I think it's way quicker to lipsinc directly in AS using the switch layer and wav peaks as a visual guide.

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Post by JNandC »

Reading another topic about fixing .dat files from papagayo I stumbled on a workaround. Instead of importing the .dat files into the main timeline, create a new action and save it on the action timeline. When it's saved on as an action, you can then input the soundbite action on the main timeline on any frame you want.

If you dont know about actions, There is a easy tutorial from the help section in AS
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working around

Post by arfa »

Just browsing the forums as part of my learning.

[b]JNandC[/b] - I imagine your "stumbled on a workaround" relates to your earlier post. I include the URL to my PHP workaround in case this might be of help to others.


The composite sound file approach is fine but leaves no room for changes - which I always seem to make after I think I have finished.[/url]
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Post by RandleSR39 »

can someone explain arfa's technique
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Post by RandleSR39 »

also arent actions just in AS Pro
"Who the? What the?"-some crazy guy (not me...)
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