...Draw better

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...Draw better

Post by SweSpy »

I don´t like the anime studio draw tols at all.
But I love many other things....
But I draw much better in Flash.
So is there a way so I can draw in flash..and inport to Anime stdo?
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Post by synthsin75 »

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Post by Nimphaea »

You can export to AI from Flash, and import the AI file into Anime Studio.
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Post by slowtiger »

As you see in the manual appendix, the only vector import format AS understands is Illustrator version 8 or earlier. You could export stuff from Flash in that format (it goes up to version 6 in CS3), but most of the time it's not worth the effort.

Points are represented differently in Flash/Illustrator and AS because of a complete differetn mathematical model. AS has to translate any AI file and during that process changes it: it doubles the number of points, and quite often it translates sharp corners into round blobs. One has to correct a lot by hand. After the frustrating experience I had with that workflow during a project, I decided to learn te AS drawing tools. It's worth the effort.
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Post by heyvern »

Get Fazek's drawing tools from the scripting forum. There is a link to it in the sticky near the top of the forum.

Those drawing tools will not make drawing in AS like drawing in flash. It won't change how the splines work, but these tools behave much more they would in other similar drawing applications. Being able to grab and move points with one tool, multiple point selection, adding points etc.

Learn the "weird" AS drawing style. Once you do you can do nearly anything.

I would even suggest trying importing and "clean up" of EPS or AI formatted drawing in AS. That experience is actually very good "training" in understanding the difference between the two types of curves. I wouldn't recommend it as a workflow but it's great experience.

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Post by SweSpy »

But... :(
I cant draw in there :(
I wanna draw something like this in Anime Studio
I can draw that in Flash and Illustrator but not in AS
Any know a good tutorital site :) ?
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Post by slowtiger »

That should be easy. Of course you need to learn the tools first, as in every other program.
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Post by mkelley »

Yeah, even I can draw that (and I can't draw) in AS.

As everyone has said, take the time to learn the tools. It will take several weeks. At the end of which you may very well say, as many of us do, that we wouldn't trade the drawing tools in AS for anything else we can find in any other program (for doing vector work, that is).
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Post by synthsin75 »

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpVaAKn- ... re=related

Many more examples on YouTube, but nothing beats practice. Had to practice with a pencil (or was it crayons?) in the first place. I tend to think if you can draw in one medium you can draw in any medium. May just be me though. :wink:
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Post by heyvern »

I'm going to very very rude and mean and obnoxious. I feel your pain and on some level I understand it very very well... having said that here comes the obnoxious bit...

You are lazy. You are too lazy to learn to use a new application and then you BLAME that application for your own laziness.

Those are very harsh words. Please take them with a grain of salt. Keep in mind you were not BORN with the ability to use Adobe Illustrator or Flash. It was not genetically engineered in your DNA as a fetus. You had to grow up, get those programs and learn how to use them. That skill DID NOT magically seep into your brain from an additive in the water supply.

AS is just a different tool with a different set of required skills to use it.

It's like Micheal Jordan playing baseball and expecting to be a huge success because he was so good at basketball. It doesn't work that way.

I wouldn't want a talented computer programmer to perform surgery on me if he didn't go to medical school and pass the tests. He can't complain that brain surgery is harder than writing a million lines of code because someone else didn't "make it work the right way."

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Post by synthsin75 »

:lol: Why can't I draw in AS as easily as I can chew gum? Shouldn't the same chewing motion I've used my whole life work just as well for drawing? While we're at it, why the hell doesn't AS work just like my Etch-a-sketch?! I just can't do a thing without those two retarded knobs.

And how do I get my Etch-a-sketch to export anti-aliased?
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Post by heyvern »

Hey! You leave the etch a sketch alone! That is one of the FIRST "digital" drawing interfaces ever conceived. If anyone should get credit for the invention of the mouse it should be the creator of the etch a sketch. The etch a sketch was the FIRST MOUSE!

p.s. You can take a digital photo or scan the etch a sketch screen.


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Post by SweSpy »

Thx for all info :)
I have lean to draw inside AS better now :D
But I hve some more Questions :)

1. I have rigged my cartoon
But u se that all part is not coneted.
And I know how to but them togheter but alway when I go to the first frame they splip again. Can I fix this?
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Post by slowtiger »

Do us a favour and work your way to the tutorials (under "Help"). You need to know certain basic techniques and train them. We are a bit tired of always having to answer "read the manual" ...

(edit) Had to open the image link elsewhere, didn't show up.

Looks like you used the "offset bone" tool. In frame 0, one can place a character's parts separate from each other, to make it easier to connect them to their bones. Once that's done, one uses the "offset bone" tool to move the bones where they belong in the finished character. In frame 1 everything looks right (connected), in frame 0 everything is separate for easier editing. If you select the "manipulate bone" tool (Z) in frame 0, the character will be connected as it appears in frame 1.
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Post by dueyftw »

30 minutes with a Wacom tablet set on add points:

The file:

I got lazy. The mouth should be in a switch layer. The right arm and hand should be a separate element. I didn't add any shading. Another five minutes of my time.

It doesn't take that long to trace.

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