Will Official Ver. 6 Release Include Bug Fixes?

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Will Official Ver. 6 Release Include Bug Fixes?

Post by GregSmith »

Since I've already noticed several profound bugs in the version 6 released online before the "official" release, will potential purchasers of the upgrade be allowed a "demo" version of the official release?

Will this "official" release contain fixes for any of the bugs noted in this forum, since the "trial" release of the "pre-official" release?

What is the Smith Micro return policy regarding returns of the upgrade to version 6?

Greg Smith
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Post by The400th »

This is a question that should be sent to Smith Micro directly.

Asking it publicly like this is really just trying to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt.

Not cool.
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Post by GregSmith »


Your view is absolute baloney, in my opinion. There have been many issues reported with the version 6 release - and not just from me.

It's becoming very, very clear to me that there is an Anime Studio fan club and voluntary police department, and a self-appointed sherrif, that allows no dissension whatever with the fan club line.

At the very least, Smith Micro needs to answer the question of whether a new "demo" version of the "official" release will be available before people are asked to spend their hard earned money for something that works differently and has quirks, (to put it mildly), that were not present in version 5.6 or Moho, for that matter.

If they can't answer that simple question, then, I would say, it is they, themselves that are spreading needless fear, dread, anxiety, and loathing - and putting doubts into the heads of potential customers.

But, you know, I really don't think they care about any of these ramifications.

Greg Smith
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Post by Lost Marble »

Greg, we're allowing all kinds of dissent. There have been quite a few negative comments, people calling me a rat, complaining about the upgrade price, etc. We get it, we've heard it, we've had enough. Frankly, I've gotten exhausted by the negative discussion and have had to take a break from the forums.

Again, dissent is OK. Just don't expect us to fall down on our knees and beg your forgiveness for whatever we missed in version 6. We built a product that I think is by far the best version of Anime Studio yet. Where the discussion goes too far is when it sinks to name calling and personal attacks. Let's try to chill out, folks.

The trial version that has been available is, in fact, the official version 6. I would dispute the statement that there are "profound bugs". There are design choices that we made that you may disagree with, and maybe we didn't add all the features that everyone wanted. That's life. No software producer is going to tailor a product to you personally. If you don't want something that works differently, then I would suggest you never upgrade any software product.

I would encourage everyone to take a look at the product and decide for themselves if the price is worth it. If it has the right value for you, buy a copy and enjoy. If it doesn't, then don't. I don't like McDonalds hamburgers, but I don't stand outside their store everyday whining about how they should improve their burgers.
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Post by GregSmith »


Thank you for your response to these questions. I agree with you about the value of allowing dissent and the voicing of concerns regarding features or the lack of them. And, I'm also glad you are listening.

Forgive me if I have been too openly critical of what I actually feel to be one of the best products of its kind on the market. Probably my hopes are simply set too high and my expectations are too specific.

I've been using graphic software for a very long time and I guess the whole upgrade cycle has made me cranky over the years. I've grown tired of workarounds and, I guess, I've just grown tired of accepting whatever is placed before me without questioning its value - and then be asked to relieve myself of another bundle of cash. Yet, this is the nature of the software consumption business.

You've really done a nice job, overall, especially considering you did most of it working alone. I do appreciate your inventions. I'm actually sorry that you were required to go to work for someone else, just to pay the bills.

And, it is very good of you to leave the interface open to adjustment by those who have the skills to modify it. Almost nobody does this, today.

Anyway, thank you again for your work and forgive me for being overly critical.

Greg Smith
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Post by madrobot »

I'll tell you what I've grown tired of. The negative garbage polluting this forum. "Dissent". Give me a break. Please, we need moderation on here.

Are we going to drive the guy who wrote the app from the forum because we want to preserve someone's right to call him a rat? How far are we going to let this kind of stuff run, and for how long?

This nonsense has gone on for too long and action needs to be taken. It should have been nipped in the bud a few weeks ago.

When I view new posts and there's more childish outbursts of infantile rage than serious discussion of the software, ... enough.


end rant, madrobot out
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Post by Mikdog »

Well, Mike, I dig the work you've been doing. You're not a rat, just a legend in my books. Hope the criticism doesn't get you down too much. Serious - you've made a program that I totally DIG. Been digging it since MOHO days man, so, without being a mullety fan-boi, I say keep up the awesome work. Only played with V. 6 a bit, but the sequencer and the fact that I can group a scene together and slide the WHOLE scene along with all the layers' keyframes along the timeline is like, uber-cool for me. Very very stoked. And the audio features too rock my little socks. BAMMO!
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Post by mkelley »

Sigh. I can see my legacy on this forum in many minds is going to be the name I called Mike.

I've apologized to him privately, but let me apologize, again, in public. I'm sorry I called him a name. Mea culpa. It won't happen again. See the TV show "House" if you want to know what my life is like (minus all the medical expertise and good looks Hugh Laurie has). It's not excuse but it DOES make me cranky at times.

No matter how much I disagree with anyone here I will try not to get personal. Really.
Last edited by mkelley on Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by The400th »

Greg, it takes a big man to apologize. You've gone up in my estimation. Let's start with a blank slate. I won't prejudge any of your comments any more. Truce?
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Post by Lost Marble »

Greg and Mike, I appreciate the apologies. I'm doing the best I can, and I think everyone's gotten the sense of that. But I think it's time to move on. No more hugs needed around here :lol:

I'm going to start a new thread in the Bugs forum to collect version 6 bugs. It's going to be a highly-moderated thread to stay on topic so we can see what issues really need to be dealt with.
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Post by GregSmith »


Sure, I don't hold grudges, anyway. Can't afford to. Too old. I'll be lucky just to remember your name in a few weeks.

I've always liked the software, still prefer the name Moho, (it's much easier to say) and always appreciate it when something gets simpler to use, which version 6 has done.

But Mike, what about those 2 tools needed to manipulate and select points . . . , well, never mind.

Greg Smith
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