customised phoneme's

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regul8r's ghost

customised phoneme's

Post by regul8r's ghost »

if i want to sync movements other than mouths, eg. hand positions, am i limited to ten layers with papa's naming conventions?

what i mean is, if i have a switch lyr with diffrnt hands- open, closed, fist i have to name them AI, E, WQ, etc in order to sync them in papa'?
an option to use custom phonemes would be great for an update :wink:
dont know how much work that would involve..but its an idea

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Rai López
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Post by Rai López »

:cry: I need too add my owns phoneme's, yes...and I'm wondering if somebody not... :?
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Rai López
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Post by Rai López »

Well, this is my PROBLEM, I have different head positions and each position needs his own specific "group" of mouths, in example:

-1st group: AI_Left, O_Left, FV_Left, etc...
-2nd group: AI_Right, O_Right, FV_Right, etc...
-3st group: AI_Center, O_Center, FV_Center, etc...

All sublayers must be inside of the same Switch Layer (for point interpolation), and If I can not name mouth like I need, How can I work in this way? I don't know and hope that this can be an easy solution, THANKS in advance if somebody have some idea and THANKS in advance too if LM improve this in the next update :roll: , CIAO!
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Post by 7feet »

Use the same name for each Switch sublayer. Not really a hassle. Then import the switch data to each layer. If I'm not uderstanding properly, sorry.
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Rai López
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Post by Rai López »

THANKS 7feet! ...But if I do that, What layer will be showed? Or how can I control this? Maybe change visibility? I'll try it, but UF... I'd be too much manually work only for lip-sinc, isn't? Well, thanks anyway!
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Post by 7feet »

The layer shown would be determined by the master switch layer. So, you set it up with, say, a master switch layer called "Mouths". Each sub Switch layer would be named "center", "right", "left", "up", "down", etc. Within each of these Switch layers, they're switch layer would have (all) the same standard phoneme names. So you could use the same .DAT file to control them all. Then you manually switch (in the master Switch layer) which sub layer ("right", "center") is active.

With that system, you don't get to use interpolation when you change between sub layers from the master. Another option. Edit the .DAT file.

Export the file from Papagayo as usual. Then add a prefix to each to each layer name inside the .DAT file (in a text editor) to reflect which layer you want active. So, add "c_" to all of the center layer names, "r_" to all the right layer names, etc. Then put all of your mouths inside ONE Switch layer, and set up the names with that same prefix. Like "c_ai", "r_closed", all of that. That is a little more work, but will let you use interpolation between all the positions.
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