make the last frame of last scene the first of next scene

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make the last frame of last scene the first of next scene

Post by Craigar »

As I finish my current scene I realize I'd like to make the last frame also become the first frame of my next scene. Is there a quick way to do this?
I've been saving the last frame "as" (Save As) and then manually removing all the previous scene's unnecessary keyframes so that I may start at frame one again.
I'm wondering if there's a better way.
As always, thanks in advance.
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Post by DK »

You could always render out a bitmap and use that image to start off your next scene. The alternative, like you said,.... would be to save out a second copy of your original scene and then create keyframes for all the elements in the scene, characters, camera etc at the place where you want to continue the scene from, then copy/paste all the keyframes in the scene to frame 1.

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