symethrical vector face with actions

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symethrical vector face with actions

Post by karlisss »

how can i create symethrical vector face with actions to turn it left and right.
as i understand i need one action to turn my drawing LEFT and other action to turn it RIGHT

problem is:
i want to flip the same image in action tu turn it right, so the images could be symethrical.
cos now when i flip image then POINTS morph and image deforms. so
how you expierenced guys approatch to this?
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Re: symethrical vector face with actions

Post by Greenlaw »

When you create a second action for a Smart Bone, you'll notice that the name of the second action is appended with a '2'. This is your action for turning it the opposite direction.

The animation you link to this second direction can be anything. In your case, you would create a 'mirror' of the animation you created for the first action.

I don't know how you're animating your character's head turn as there are endless ways to animate a head turn.

Here's one possible method: If you want to make it a seamless animation, you might consider using paths with morphing points that can mirror the shape. To do this, you need the same number of points on both sides of the head. Here are three ways to do this:

1. To do this manually, make a render of the extreme pose for one side, and import the render, and the scale and flip it. Now you can use the image as a tracing guide. Move the points at the appropriate frame to 'mirror' the pose.

2. For fewer steps, you can use Hayasidist's Bake To PNG script. Just select the layer and run the command and it will render the image to an image layer at the correct scale and position. Then you can just flip the layer and use it as a guide for the animation.

3. Another great option is to use DKW Root's Mirror Points and Swap Sides. Just copy the keyframes to the target frame, select the point at the 'mirror' axis, and run the script. This script doesn't simply flip the path, instead it pushes and reshapes the point into a reflection of the original shape so it will morph properly.

If the script doesn't reshape the path correctly, it might be because you've used Bezier curves. If that's the case, reset the curves and edit your shape without using Bezier handles, and try the script again. The tool usually works very well but sometimes you may need to make a small adjustment even when you haven't used Bezier curves. Even with the small error, this can be a great time saver.

For most of the rigs in the shows I've worked on, I make the turn seamless from 3 qtr to 3 qtr. For the extreme profile views, I just switch to a side view drawings. This makes it much easier to transition to the different drawings used for the mouth and eyes in a profile view. (The 'Boss Baby' footage on my demo reel are good examples.)

Hope this helps.
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