moho2Ae script

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Gherasimov Vasile
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moho2Ae script

Post by Gherasimov Vasile »

Hello friends, I have a request for those who know coding. Please help me to adapt the given script to work with PSD files as well, if possible, so that when you open in AE, it also receives information about the location of the files, and then opens them in composition

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-- **************************************************
-- Provide Moho with the name of this script object
-- **************************************************

ScriptName = "CM_Moho2AE"

-- **************************************************
-- General information about this script
-- **************************************************

CM_Moho2AE = {}

function CM_Moho2AE:Name()
	return 'Export to After Effects jsx'

function CM_Moho2AE:Version()
	return '1.0'

function CM_Moho2AE:UILabel()
	return 'Export to After Effects jsx'

function CM_Moho2AE:Creator()
	return 'Community test'

function CM_Moho2AE:Description()
	return 'Create .jsx script which been called from AE imports all the bitmap images of moho bitmap layers and (optionaly) rendered sequences of moho vector layers, placing it into new composition in correct order and position (optionaly with layer animation too)'

-- **************************************************
-- Is Relevant / Is Enabled
-- **************************************************

function CM_Moho2AE:IsRelevant(moho)
	return true

function CM_Moho2AE:IsEnabled(moho)
	return true

-- **************************************************
-- CM_Moho2AEDialog
-- **************************************************

local CM_Moho2AEDialog = {}

function CM_Moho2AEDialog:new()
	local d = LM.GUI.SimpleDialog('Export to After Effects jsx', CM_Moho2AEDialog)
	local l = d:GetLayout()

	return d

-- **************************************************
-- The guts of this script
-- **************************************************

-- map moho blending mode constants to AE blending mode constant names
CM_Moho2AE.blendingModesMap = {
	[MOHO.BM_ADD] = "BlendingMode.ADD",
	[MOHO.BM_COLOR] = "BlendingMode.COLOR",
	[MOHO.BM_HUE] = "BlendingMode.HUE",
	[MOHO.BM_OVERLAY] = "BlendingMode.OVERLAY",
	[MOHO.BM_SCREEN] = "BlendingMode.SCREEN"

function CM_Moho2AE:ResourcePath()
   local str = debug.getinfo(2, "S").source:sub(2)
   local _, slashPos = string.find(string.lower(str), "scripts") 
   local slash = string.sub(str, slashPos+1, slashPos+1)
   local pattern = "(.*\\)[mM]enu\\.*"
   if slash == "/" then pattern = "(.*/)[mM]enu/.*" end

   return (str:match(pattern) .. "ScriptResources".. slash .. "moho2ae" .. slash), slash

function CM_Moho2AE:Run(moho)
	--dialog call to uncomment later
	local dlog = CM_Moho2AEDialog:new(moho)
	if (dlog:DoModal() == LM.GUI.MSG_CANCEL) then
	-- read some common functions for jsx
	local jsxCommonFunctionsPath = self.ResourcePath().."common.jsx"
	local file =, "r") 
    if not file then 	
		return LM.GUI.Alert(LM.GUI.ALERT_WARNING, "No " .. jsxCommonFunctionsPath)
    local content = file:read "*a" -- *a or *all reads the whole file
	-- ask user for output file
	local path = LM.GUI.SaveFile("Select JSX File")
	if (path == "") then
	if string.sub(path, -4) ~= ".jsx" then path = path..".jsx" end
	local f =, "w")
	if (f == nil) then
	-- write some common functions for jsx
	-- write creation of main comp with this comp size and duration
	local name = string.sub(moho.document:Name(), 1, -6)
	self.w = moho.document:Width()
	self.h = moho.document:Height()
	self.fps = moho.document:Fps()
	self.dur = moho.document:EndFrame() - moho.document:StartFrame() + 1
	self.seconds = self.dur/self.fps
	io.write(string.format('var mainComp = app.project.items.addComp("%s", %s, %s, 1, %s, %s);\n', name, self.w, self.h, self.seconds, self.fps))
	io.write(string.format('var mainFolder = app.project.items.addFolder("%s");\n', name))
	io.write('mainComp.parentFolder = mainFolder;\n')
	self.globalVarNameIndex = 0
	io.write('var cameraNull = mainComp.layers.addNull();\ = "camera";\n')
	io.write('var persNull = mainComp.layers.addNull();\ = "pers";\n')
	for i = 0, moho.document:CountLayers() - 1 do
		local nextLayer = moho.document:Layer(i)
		local nextCompLayerName = self:ProcessAnyLayer(moho, nextLayer, 'mainComp')

function CM_Moho2AE:BakeCamera(moho)
	--TODO: set animation for persNull and cameraNull layers, baking camera animation from Moho (see ae_export_2d_camera.lua for baking formulas)

function CM_Moho2AE:ProcessAnyLayer(moho, layer, parentCompVarName, folderName)
	if not folderName then folderName = "mainFolder" end
	local nextIndex = self.globalVarNameIndex + 1
	local name = 'layer' .. nextIndex
	self.globalVarNameIndex = self.globalVarNameIndex + 1
	local layerType = layer:LayerType()
	local newFootageItemVarName = nil
	if layerType == MOHO.LT_GROUP then
		--create folder for footage	
		local newFolderName = 'folder' .. nextIndex
		io.write(string.format('var %s = %s.items.addFolder("%s");\n', newFolderName, folderName, layer:Name()))		
		newFootageItemVarName = self:CreateGroupFootage(moho, layer)
		io.write(string.format('%s.parentFolder = %s;\n', newFootageItemVarName, folderName))
		for i=0, moho:LayerAsGroup(layer):CountLayers() - 1 do
			local nextLayer = moho:LayerAsGroup(layer):Layer(i)
			self:ProcessAnyLayer(moho, nextLayer, newFootageItemVarName, newFolderName)
		io.write(string.format('if (%s.items.length == 0) %s.remove();\n', newFolderName, newFolderName))
	elseif layerType == MOHO.LT_IMAGE then
		newFootageItemVarName = self:CreateBitmapFootage(moho, layer)		
	elseif layerType == MOHO.LT_BONE then
		newFootageItemVarName = self:CreateSequenceFootage(moho, layer)
	if not newFootageItemVarName then return nil end
	-- place resulting footage (composition, image or sequence) into parent composition

	if layerType == MOHO.LT_GROUP or layerType == MOHO.LT_IMAGE then
		io.write(string.format('var %s = %s.layers.add(%s);\n', name, parentCompVarName, newFootageItemVarName))		
		self:ApplyLayerTransform(moho, layer, name)
		if not layer:IsImmuneToCamera() then
			io.write(string.format('%s.parent = cameraNull;\n', name))
	elseif layerType == MOHO.LT_BONE and #newFootageItemVarName > 0 then
		for k, v in pairs(newFootageItemVarName) do
			io.write(string.format('var %s = %s.layers.add(%s);\n', name..v, parentCompVarName, v))
			io.write(string.format('%s.parent = persNull;\n'), name..v)
	self:ApplyLayerBlending(moho, layer, name)
	if layerType == MOHO.LT_GROUP then
		-- set collapse transformations on
		io.write(string.format('%s.collapseTransformation = true;\n', name))
	return name

function CM_Moho2AE:CreateGroupFootage(moho, layer)
	local nextIndex = self.globalVarNameIndex + 1
	local name = 'comp' .. nextIndex
	self.globalVarNameIndex = self.globalVarNameIndex + 1
	-- create new composition with same parameters as main one		
	io.write(string.format('var %s = app.project.items.addComp("%s", %s, %s, 1, %s, %s);\n', name, layer:Name(), self.w, self.h, self.seconds, self.fps))
	return name

function CM_Moho2AE:CreateBitmapFootage(moho, layer)
	local nextIndex = self.globalVarNameIndex + 1
	local name = 'img' .. nextIndex
	self.globalVarNameIndex = self.globalVarNameIndex + 1	
	-- import bitmap
	local imageLayer = moho:LayerAsImage(layer)
	local path = string.gsub(imageLayer:SourceImage(), "\\", "\\\\")
	local args = string.format('"%s"', path)
	if imageLayer:IsPSDImage() then 
		args = args .. string.format(', %s', imageLayer:PSDLayerOrderID() + 1)
	-- call jsx function with these args (to import single bitmap or PSD file or use PSD layer allways imported for another layer of same moho project
	io.write(string.format('var %s = FindOrImport(%s);\n', name, args));
	return name

function CM_Moho2AE:CreateSequenceFootage(moho, layer)
	local characters = {}
	--TODO: find all the layercomps which include this layer
	--TODO: compute path to rendered images (ask user in first dialog and save to script preferences)
	--TODO: import sequence (if exists, or offline dummy if does not) to AE via jsx
	-- return array of new layers' names
	return characters

function CM_Moho2AE:ApplyLayerTransform(moho, layer, layerVarName)
	-- set ae anchor and position to moho values
	local aeAnchor = layer:Origin()
	aeAnchor.x = aeAnchor.x * self.h/2 
	aeAnchor.y = -aeAnchor.y * self.h/2 

	local aePos = layer.fTranslation:GetValue(1)
	aePos.x = aePos.x * self.h/2 + self.w/2 + aeAnchor.x
	aePos.y = - aePos.y * self.h/2 + self.h/2 + aeAnchor.y
	if layer:LayerType() == MOHO.LT_GROUP then 
		aeAnchor.x = aeAnchor.x + self.w/2
		aeAnchor.y = aeAnchor.y + self.h/2
	elseif layer:LayerType() == MOHO.LT_IMAGE then
		local imageLayer = moho:LayerAsImage(layer)
		aeAnchor.x = aeAnchor.x + imageLayer:PixelWidth()/2
		aeAnchor.y = aeAnchor.y + imageLayer:PixelHeight()/2
	io.write(string.format('%s.position.setValue([%s, %s]);\n', layerVarName, aePos.x, aePos.y))
	io.write(string.format('"Anchor Point").setValue([%s, %s]);\n', layerVarName, aeAnchor.x, aeAnchor.y))
	-- set ae rotation to moho values
	local aeAngle = -180 * layer.fRotationZ:GetValue(1)/math.pi
	io.write(string.format('%s.rotation.setValue(%s);\n', layerVarName, aeAngle))
	-- set ae scale to moho scale and flip values
	local aeScale = layer.fScale:GetValue(1) * 100
	if layer.fFlipH:GetValue(1) then aeScale.x = -aeScale.x end
	if layer.fFlipV:GetValue(1) then aeScale.y = -aeScale.y end
	io.write(string.format('%s.scale.setValue([%s, %s, %s]);\n', layerVarName, aeScale.x, aeScale.y, aeScale.z))

function CM_Moho2AE:ApplyLayerBlending(moho, layer, layerVarName)
	--TODO: set blending mode, transparency and visibility from moho layer to AE
end ... sp=sharing
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Re: moho2Ae script

Post by SimplSam »

The PSDLayerOrderID function was removed from Moho 13.5. Therefore PSD's are pretty much unsupported in Moho scripting in the current release.

You may need to run the script in version Moho 12.5 in order to get it work.
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Tube: SimplSam

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Gherasimov Vasile
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Re: moho2Ae script

Post by Gherasimov Vasile »

SimplSam wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 3:04 pm The PSDLayerOrderID function was removed from Moho 13.5. Therefore PSD's are pretty much unsupported in Moho scripting in the current release.

You may need to run the script in version Moho 12.5 in order to get it work.
Thank you very much for your help
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