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Post by bupaje »

Not really an urgent request - just something to for when you are out of ideas of what to add. :)

I was playing with that technique you explained in answer to my question regarding shadow/light layer on a character http://www.lostmarble.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=553

I find it can be useful to create the shadows or light effect -say of a charcater walking through beams of light- but the only thing that kills the illusion is that the shadow/light masked layer would need to be distorted somewhat by the curvature of the shape. For example if I create some light beams and apply it to a ball I get straight lines instead of bending like a real 3D ball -hope that is understandable.

I'm not sure if some sort of distortion would do it or maybe the shading feature in Moho -that allows you to create shading inside of the shape (sorry am at work and not looking at Moho) could be used as a mask somehow -since it follows the outline?

A related but even more fuzzy idea (sometimes I can't quite get the concept into words) might be a new layer/group or property setting to allow assigning layers to be automatically masked this way. What I mean is I also tried rendering an image, then using a filter to distort it and make a sort of environment map -to simulate reflections very faint on overlay. Might be good to instead of having lots of confusing masking groups if you wanted to do this say to water puddles, chrome and other surfaces to fake reflection a bit to be able to be able to group them or set a property i.e. select your chrome bumper and water puddle and click 'use sky_reflection_1.jpg' to bind it and have them masked overlay or dodge and adjust transparency bingo quickie pseudo reflective surfaces -or that's the vague idea anyway. :)
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Post by jahnocli »

I think you could rent out your last sentence to interrogators who want to disorientate their subjects! (Only joking -- don't want to start a flame war...)
You can't have everything. Where would you put it?
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Post by bupaje »

I'm not that clear on the best of days. Now I'm juggling jobs and getting dumber than usual from lack of sleep. :)
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