"Scabies Babies" is dead and the "Cootie Kids" are alive

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"Scabies Babies" is dead and the "Cootie Kids" are alive

Post by cootiekid »

Some time ago I posted that i was going to submit my animation "Scabies Babies" to several animation networks. I received many criticism from the members here. I listen to it and made changes. My new animation is named "Cootie Kids'

I am not looking for any advice because I have received it from the networks. I have received 3 bids from 3 animation networks and I am in negotiation with them. I am still waiting for 5 other animation networks to consider my animation they say that it will take up to 4 months for an answer.

Please don't bother telling my how bad my animation is it is to late. the pros at the animation networks like my animation and they want to re-animate it. YAY!

here is my new animation "Cootie Kids"

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Re: "Scabies Babies" is dead and the "Cootie Kids" are alive

Post by wizaerd »

cootiekid wrote:Some time ago I posted that i was going to submit my animation "Scabies Babies" to several animation networks. I received many criticism from the members here. I listen to it and made changes. My new animation is named "Cootie Kids'

I am not looking for any advice because I have received it from the networks. I have received 3 bids from 3 animation networks and I am in negotiation with them. I am still waiting for 5 other animation networks to consider my animation they say that it will take up to 4 months for an answer.

Please don't bother telling my how bad my animation is it is to late. the pros at the animation networks like my animation and they want to re-animate it. YAY!

here is my new animation "Cootie Kids"
So this is more of a snub, rubbing it in the face of people who are only trying to help? Don't bother telling you how bad it is, because someone at a network wants to buy it, so obviously you're beyond advice, right? Although I find it ironic that they want to re-animate it. Perhaps that's a telling sign of how flawed the animation is? Just because someone may want to buy it, doesn't necessarily make you a pro. And they're looking to re-animate it. I don't know about others here, but I find this posting extremely rude, arrogant, and awfully condescending.

But hey, congratz anyway. You sure have the right attitude...
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Re: "Scabies Babies" is dead and the "Cootie Kids" are alive

Post by DK »

LOL...I'd like to know WHO these "pros at the animation networks" are exactly????? What networks? Which pros?

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Re: "Scabies Babies" is dead and the "Cootie Kids" are alive

Post by ddrake »

YAY! It's back! Welcome back Abner! :) Congrats on your successes! :D

I think deep down we all knew you could do it, that's why we were pushing so hard. You can't keep a good infectious parasite down, I always say.

I personally love the name change! I think it has a little more family-friendly ring to it...but I'm glad you came up with that all on your own.

I hope you don't harbor any ill-will toward the forum because of negative feedback. I think everyone was really just trying to make your project the best it could be by offering suggestions. (Sure, some responses were negative and maybe a bit too on the nose for what you were actually looking for, but that's all part of the process really. Isn't it?) The good news is that you were able to ignore the bad suggestions and turn your animation into something (potentially) economically viable, with virtually no help from anyone else!

Although, I want to mention that even if you have some lingering sour feelings, I would hope you could rise above that, and consider that animation is a long and tedious process that sometimes can make people cranky (often unknowingly). Forgive and forget. And I'm sure that with your ongoing progress and challenges, you certainly could have a lot of knowledge and advice to impart back in our direction to help us out.

Thanks in advance. :wink:
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Re: "Scabies Babies" is dead and the "Cootie Kids" are alive

Post by heyvern »

Congrats on your... er... "success". (I seem to recall you've said this before). Just don't count your chickens. The only way this is real, is if you have a signed contract, and a check. If you sign a contract, and get paid for this concept... then I will admit I was wrong and eat my words.

If you do have a contract you may want to read it carefully first and make certain you aren't violating any non-disclosure agreements by talking about it here. Studios often don't like it if you talk about upcoming projects. They may want to handle the marketing themselves. Especially if they are planning a redesign of the proposal.

Another thing... and this happened to me a long time ago. I knew someone who knew someone... who knew someone... who had a contact somewhere... who worked for a studio who would be willing to look at a crazy idea I had for an animated series. I had drawn nothing at all, just had an outline and a few scripts. When I was contacted, they would not even READ the scripts or even talk to me about my ideas until I submitted them for copyright registration FIRST. They made a big deal out of this and insisted I get everything officially copyrighted. This was to protect both myself and them. I had to pay to get an official government copyright (www.copyright.gov) before discussing or sending them any ideas or scripts.

I'm just curious if you've, at a minimum, submitted your scripts for copyright registration. It doesn't cost very much and it protects your intellectual property. The impression I got from my experience is that professional studios won't even look at something like this if it isn't protected. Some sort of legal thing.

Good luck.
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Re: "Scabies Babies" is dead and the "Cootie Kids" are alive

Post by Lukas »

cootiekid wrote:Please don't bother telling my how bad my animation is it is to late.
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Re: "Scabies Babies" is dead and the "Cootie Kids" are alive

Post by Danimal »

DK wrote:LOL...I'd like to know WHO these "pros at the animation networks" are exactly????? What networks? Which pros?
I'm pretty sure we can all safely bet dudes in a van are involved. :lol:

As for the show that is so great it is above criticism from anyone anywhere, the premise seems to have changed and we're now given no indication that these are, in fact, cooties. How, for instance, do they end up on the open sea? Are they in some guy's bladder? And what is One-Eyed Jack? A slug? Does this person have slugs in addition to cooties? Can a person actually contract slugs?

And ugh, the singing is back. Please, please, never put music in anything again. It just drags on forever.

It's still an interesting idea that kids would almost certainly like. And as a kid's show, it's almost well written. With a polish to both the show and its creator, it could probably at least generate some interest.
heyvern wrote:they would not even READ the scripts or even talk to me about my ideas until I submitted them for copyright registration FIRST
Sounds about right. No network is going to leap into negotiations and bids without a pitch and outline. Certainly not because of some YouTube videos, which have suspiciously low view counts for something being watched by pros at networks.
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Re: "Scabies Babies" is dead and the "Cootie Kids" are alive

Post by jahnocli »

Lukas wrote:
cootiekid wrote:Please don't bother telling my how bad my animation is it is to late.
This is one of the funniest statements I've seen for a long time -- and not for any good reason, (including the spelling mistake)! -- which just makes it funnier!! Congratulations...
You can't have everything. Where would you put it?
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Re: "Scabies Babies" is dead and the "Cootie Kids" are alive

Post by ddrake »

cootiekid wrote:I received many criticism from the members here. I listen to it and made changes.


I am not looking for any advice because I have received it from the networks.


Please don't bother telling my how bad my animation is it is to late.
Well, I guess I'm having a hard time understanding why this is posted here... What are we supposed to do? Just watch it and compliment it and wait up to 4 months--and then production time--to (maybe) see a revamped version of it on one of eight unidentified animation networks?
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Re: "Scabies Babies" is dead and the "Cootie Kids" are alive

Post by hammerjammer »

Ok, well

Seriously, dude lighten up. :shock:

Um, good luck getting help from folks in the forum now. :roll:

What happened on here? This is why I quit watching TV, to much drama, I hate drama.

I'm just speechless.

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Re: "Scabies Babies" is dead and the "Cootie Kids" are alive

Post by Danimal »

hammerjammer wrote:What happened on here?
Here's the last thread where this was discussed:


There's not much to it, Mr. Babies-Kid deleted all of his own posts.
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Re: "Scabies Babies" is dead and the "Cootie Kids" are alive

Post by sargumphigaus »

cootiekid wrote:Some time ago I posted that i was going to submit my animation "Scabies Babies" to several animation networks. I received many criticism from the members here. I listen to it and made changes. My new animation is named "Cootie Kids'

I am not looking for any advice because I have received it from the networks. I have received 3 bids from 3 animation networks and I am in negotiation with them. I am still waiting for 5 other animation networks to consider my animation they say that it will take up to 4 months for an answer.

Please don't bother telling my how bad my animation is it is to late. the pros at the animation networks like my animation and they want to re-animate it. YAY!

here is my new animation "Cootie Kids"
Now I just knew, when he changed all his posts into that boldly stated " / " and fled back to his cave, I just knew...that this wouldn't be the last we'd see of ole Captain Scabbs.

You got heart kid. I'll give ya that. You threw your work out there, people critiqued it, you threw a tantrum when they didn't tell you what you wanted to hear, insulting better animators than yourself in the process. And then after all that, you peaced out on us, just as the thread was getting good. You just...left us all hanging...:(

I do believe congratulations are in order for your selling of a concept, not an animation, mind us all, but a concept! Granted, I'm not a smart person, so I fail to comprehend the logic behind how this justifies your belief in how the quality of your animation should receive amnesty of criticism. This is an animation forum. People post on here for feedback, aid, and criticism from their peers. It's tough at times yes, you're not always going to hear what you want, but it's what makes the community so productive. It's the fact that people are willing to be honest with each other. It''s not always pleasure central for the ego when we hear what Mister Danimal or Hayvern have to say about our work, but gods willing, THEY'RE HONEST, AND THEY KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING!!!!! what more could you ask for? Oh right, you want us to kiss your feet, as is blatantly obvious by the tone of your OP. But changing your name or "selling your work" doesn't excuse you for all the ridiculous insults you threw at everyone in your last post. Pardon my french, but, well...your shit still stinks.

That said, would you kindly GET OVER YOURSELF!!!!!!

And you know what? I"m critiquing it anyways, BRO!

Your work is unimaginative as all your animations are premade, your rigs are character wizarded with a few tweaks here or there, it tells me that you know nothing about how animation in general works, along character designing in general. There isn't anything really unique in the appearance of this, which would certainly explain why your beloved Bidders want to RE-ANIMATE it. A boast you sadly throw out there as if it's something to be proud of. The concept is interesting and adorable. Cootie kids, it's a smart idea, but the execution is exceptionally flawed. Again, you sold the CONCEPT of Scab babies, not the animation itself. This is an empty boast as this forum is about developing skills as animators.

This isn't even an appropriate post, you're just trying to make us all feel bad for giving you a hard time. I've washed windows less transparent than you.

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Re: "Scabies Babies" is dead and the "Cootie Kids" are alive

Post by Lumpy »

ddrake wrote:You can't keep a good infectious parasite down, I always say.
We can all go home, this is all you need to take away from this thread.
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Re: "Scabies Babies" is dead and the "Cootie Kids" are alive

Post by Kadoogan »

I may have missed something somewhere along the lines that makes the following misguided - I hope not though:

Now that I have seen how this actually looks, sounds, and animates, I have the following unsolicited comments:

- The animation and character design is pretty bad. Amateurish. But as a proof of concept (which is what I consider this to be), it could be worse, and to be fair I have seen similar such things on this forum in the past.

- The voice talent is not great, but also I have heard similar on this forum. But as a proof of concept it is all better than nothing.

- The music - not my cup of tea but I know how hard it can be to write a tune, and everyone has their own "style". Once again, it conveys what it needs to as a concept.

- Overall not particularly appealing, but it might spark the imagination of more talented professionals, who may be able to give it the polish it needs to move forward.

What I like is that you took initiative and tried to bring to life something you created.

Obviously you have a limited skill set (not meant as an insult) - but where it lacks depth, it is curiously broader than some. You did it all yourself, AND you did several episodes. I applaud that effort - it is something many of us haven't been able to do for whatever reasons we may have.

It reminds me a lot of of the first efforts of fledgeling film makers, who later moved on to become good at it because they took note of the work of others, gained knowledge through further advice and direct experience, and blossomed into creative professionals.

Your work is far from perfect, but you made it happen. Sometimes it is better to get the concept out there than to wait for a perfect production.

I know from experience that every person might not enjoy what you have done, but there will be some that do. It's often just a matter of taste. Or potentially, a lack of it. But there is an audience for everything and sometimes it is just a matter of getting it out there.

Congratulations on getting interest in your project. I wish you all the best and hope that you are rewarded for chasing your dream.

ALL THAT BEING SAID - and not that you were asking for it at this point (I feel driven to do so for some reason), but previously when you were asking for advice, you were given it by individuals who were trying to help you. Sometimes the advice isn't what you want to hear, but under normal circumstances we all mean well.

You have insulted a number of people here with your comments and you should apologize. It's true that you took a fair number of hits in return, but I think they were - for the most part - justified.

I know the good people here are big enough to accept such an apology. I don't expect anything of the sort, certainly not because I recommend it - but who knows. Maybe you really believe you don't need the help of this community anymore - that will be your call.

Once again, good luck with your work.
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Re: "Scabies Babies" is dead and the "Cootie Kids" are alive

Post by mtbuck24 »

What the...
I teach moho and animation on youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@mccoy_buck