Variable width curve tutorial question

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Variable width curve tutorial question

Post by scot »


I'm new to Anime Studio so I'm going through the manual and tutorials. I'm stuck on one right now. In the tutorial manual on pg 72 they talk about Varying Line Widths and using this to create a yellow arm with a black outline.

I'm following the tutorial word for word but this isn't working for me.

What I'm doing to create this is use the point tool to make a U shape with three points. Then, as the tutorial says, use the line width tool to change the width of the line. First, this can't be done and I think the missing step is to turn that line into a shape first, then I can use the width tool to mimic the shape in the tutorial.

Then it says to make a copy and paste it on top of the other. At first I was having a problem with this because the points were still selected so it would over write, but anyway, now I have one shape on top of another.

At that point the tutorial says to "reduce the width of the top stroke". THis is where I stop. I try changing the width, nothing happens. I've experimented with different ways of selecting the lines, etc etc, but stuck here. I'd like to get this one figured out, it looks useful.

Note: I've also tried to do this via this youtube tutorial, but after following exactly what he's doing, I can't get the outside stroke to show up.

Sorry if I'm not using the proper terminology for things, I've only been learning this software for a couple days. Just trying to get through all the tuts so I know what kind of tools I have at my disposal.


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Re: Variable width curve tutorial question

Post by braj »

Try this, after you draw the line with three points, select ctrl-A to select all the points, and hit the space bar which will create the shape. It probably mentioned this in an earlier tutorial but it doesn't mention it on pg 73 from what I can see. Then you have a shape to work with, until then there isn't any line drawn to adjust.
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Re: Variable width curve tutorial question

Post by scot »

Still stuck, I've been going over this for a long time. Do you have that tutorial manual? Could you run through that section on page 72/73 and see if there's something missing from the step by step apart from the creating the shape step?

What I'm doing is making the curve, turning it into a shape, then use the line width tool to give it an "arm" shape.

Then I use the select shape tool to select it, then I make a duplicate. I figured out the ctrl-alt up/down arrow trick to selecting a particular shape in a stack and reduced the top shape by a bit. So now I have a picture that looks like the tutorial- a shape with a stroke.

The problem is, they are not connected. I can drag it around because only one of the shapes will drag around.
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Re: Variable width curve tutorial question

Post by braj »

They shouldn't be connected. If you connect them, they will be the same width and you won't see an outline. What you need to do is select the points, use the Select Points tool and highlight one of the points (actually it is two points stacked.) Then you can switch to the Transform Points tool and they will both be selected and you can manipulate them. Once you have bones in place, you can move each pair of points as you need with a bone and they will remain together.
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Re: Variable width curve tutorial question

Post by scot »

Thanks for the info.

I think I figured this one out- basically, make a curve, create a shape, then select the shape (this was my sticking point, I was selecting POINTS), duplicate, then mess with stroke width to get the outline like in the tutorial. Then when I grab a point and move it around, both shapes are moving and it has the appearance of a shape with an outline.
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Re: Variable width curve tutorial question

Post by paul4laffs »

Well I'm still having trouble understanding what to do. I choose the add points tool, make a curved shape with three points. Easy. However, the tutorial says "In the Style window, select a color that you want to use for the outline color. Set the width of the stroke to around 100. Use the Add Point tool to draw a three-point curve." Etc. But I don't see under Style an option for outline color. I don't see an outline when I draw the curve. Very frustrating. (Tried all the steps I found on this thread.) Thread talks about creating a shape, but it doesn't look like a closed shape (that can be filled) is what's being asked. Sorry - just need clarification. Thanks.
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Re: Variable width curve tutorial question

Post by willf »

paul4laffs, when you look at your style window, there's a little box at the bottom labeled "Advanced", if you turn that on, it should show you the outline options.

Now let's say you draw a U - shaped line made of 3 points. You then select all 3 points, and hit the space bar, which should "create" the shape.

Then when you select the shape, the style window - with the advanced features on - should allow you to change the outline color and line width.
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Re: Variable width curve tutorial question

Post by paul4laffs »

Thanks! I'll give it a try.
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